Community Practices
Community Connections
FiRST Early Learning approaches the local and wider community through established and trusting relationships built on valued and core connections. As a FiRST Early Learning community, we take promise to give back where possible. Our FiRST family implements a swap and share market where children, educators and families can take what they need and give what they can. This program has extended the learning opportunities to children by building relationships, empathy, kindness and a desire to give back and give more to all communities, wildlife and animal shelters, people and organisations.
Children based community gardens
FiRST Early Learning understands the impact of every day use of plastics, produce and waste that is impacting our environments and world. As a result of this, we take every opportunity where possible to implement friendly conscious choices across our centres for our children and their children. Our purpose-built herb and vegetable gardens are planned for in relation to seasonal produce in collaboration with children’s input, to grow fresh produce that promotes, encourages and nourishes our children’s healthy eating and sustainable growth and development.
Our successfully grown gardens are harvested and distributed to our in-house kitchens which are then utilised in the daily cooking. The produce is also provided in our swap and share community market stall for families and visitors to share.
Reduce, reuse and recycle resources
Our centres have made a conscious effort to utilise and reuse items where possible. Our families are invited and encouraged to contribute to our recycling stations in all forms of nature, materials and elements from homes, community groups and organisations.
Implementing loose parts play into our curriculum though our continued commitment to reduce, reuse and recycle provides opportunities for open ended, endless play that builds a child’s curiosity for creation and imagination development.